
A standard for resume so that styling can be separated from the data.


Resumes have predictable contents but since there is no agreed upon standards, everyone does their own thing. As a result, parsing resumes get complicated for ATS systems: sometimes it misses things that you want it to catch.

The other issue is you are stuck if you picked a certain template. If you want to keep the contents the same but would like to try a different look, you cant do it without spending tons of time.


A resume formatted with OpenResume is a JSON object. This only contains the data part of the resume - formatting is separate concern. We envision a template marketplace that can take the OpenResume specification and get creative with the presentation. We plan on developing a similar specification for styling/formatting/presentation in the upcoming days.

The parent object is called an OpenResume object. It contains several fields that expands into more details. The following table describes the top-level fields as well as the nested fields.

Field Name Data Type Required Values Remarks
version string Yes “0.0.1” OpenResume version
format string Yes “orf” OpenResume format
meta object Yes See summary for easier searching
data object Yes See the content of the resume


meta contains a bird’s eye view of the resume so that it’s faster to search/crawl/categorize.

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
name string Yes None your name Whose resume is this?
sort string No chrono chrono, alpha sort criteria
sort_order string No asc asc, desc which direction to sort
tags array No None tags comma separted tags


The data is the meat of the resume. data has a number of objects, which are different sections of the resume, such as Education, Work History, Projects etc that you may have listed in your resume. We will describe them in further details here.

Object/Field Name Data Type Required Spefication
personal object Yes Personal
education array Yes Education
experience array Yes Experience
summary string No Summary
projects array No Projects
publication array No Publication


The personal object contains the following fields:

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
name string Yes None Your name This is displayed as title
phone_number string Yes None Contact number Include area code as well
email string Yes None Email address Where should the contact you
country_code string No None Country Code “+1” for the US
address_line_1 string No None First line addr Street address if you include
address_line_2 string No None Second line addr Apt/Suit etc.
city string No None City Name of your city
state string No None state, province For US, two letter state abbr
country string No None 2-digit country For US, “us” (need citation)
url_linkedin string No None LinkedIn profile Actual URL of your profile
url_website string No None URL for website Actual URL of your website
url_portfolio string No None URL for portfolio URL to your portfolio
url_other array No None List of URLs More on URL Object

A URL object consists of the following fields:

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
link string Yes None URL The actual URL
text string No None Text to display Show some text instead of URL


education is an array and it contains one or more degree objects. Each degree contains the following fields:

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
degree_level string Yes None bachelors, masters, k12 level of education
degree_title string Yes None B.A., M.A, B.S. Specific title of the degree
completed bool Yes true true, false Is degree finished or not
institution string Yes None Name of institution Full name of the school
institution_city string No None Chicago, Denver etc. City wehre the school is
institution_state string No None “AL”, “NY”, etc. 2-letter state abbreviation
institution_zip string No None ZIP/Postal code School’s ZIP code
institution_country string No None “us”, “uk”, etc 2-letter country code
major string No None Name of major (double/triple) major(s)
concentration string No None focus/track Specfic focus within major
minor string No None Name of minor (double/triple) minor(s)
gpa string No None Cumulative GPA Overall GPA (number/letter)
gpa_scale string No None Maximum GPA The GPA scale, like 4.0
start_day number No 1 {0…31} Day you started school
start_month number No 1 {1…12} Month you started school
start_year number Yes None >= 1900 Year you started school
end_day number No 1 {0…31} Day you ended school
end_month number No 1 {1…12} Month you ended school
end_year number Yes None >= start_year Year you ended school


experience is also an array containing one or more position objects. Each position contains the following fields:

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
title string Yes None Official title Example: Tech Lead, Manager
employer string Yes None Employer name Specific title of the degree
employer_city string No None Employer city “Remote” for remote jobs
employer_state string No None “NC”, “NY”,… 2-letter state abbreviation
employer_country string No None “US”, “UK”,… 2-letter country code
description array No None array of objects Description


Similar to experience and education, the publication object is also an array of reference objects. A reference object contains the following fields:

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
title string Yes None Title of paper Example: “A study on…”
url string No None Link to paper The actual URL, if any
year number No None >= 1800 Year it was published
month number No None {1…12} Month of publication
doi string No None The DOI URL More
citation_style string No apa apa,chicago,mla,iee citation format to use
authors array No None Array of authors Author object

An author object contains the following fields:

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
first string Yes None First name Example: “Albert”
last string Yes None Last name Example: “Einstein”


projects is an array containing one or more project object(s), which has following fields.

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
title string Yes None Project title “Linux: an Operating System”
sub_title string No None Project subtitle A more detailed title
url string No None URL Link to demo/code/slide deck
description array No None Array of points See more

A description contains one or more bullet points and is used in projects and experience sections

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
text string Yes None details text “built an OS called Linux”
tools array No None List of Skills See skill


The skills array contain one or more skill(s). Following are the fields for a skill:

Field Name Data Type Required Default Values Remarks
name string Yes None Name of the skill Example: “C”, “Python” etc
proficiency string No None beginner, advanced level of proficiency
category string No None broader category Usefull for categorizing skills



How to Use

Coming soon!

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